Better Group Photos In This Festive Raya

Better Group Photos In This Festive Raya _CompAsia Malaysia

Taking better group photos this Raya

With Raya around the corner, it’s time again to meet up with distant relatives (if the SOP allows). Along with these gatherings, you can expect thousands of photo opportunities you wouldn’t want to miss. The problem is taking group photos can be a challenge. If you don’t want your photos looking like a classroom line-up, here are some creative tips to make your group photos worthy of framing up.


Interact with each other

Instead of everyone staring blankly at the camera, get your relatives to interact with one another. Share a family joke or make silly faces, this will instantly make your photos warmer and more memorable. Another tip is to get your family to compose themselves and before counting down, start snapping away. You’ll be surprised at how naturally beautiful these shots can be.


Mix up the formation

When getting your family to arrange themselves, everyone immediately thinks: tall at the back, short in front. You don’t have to follow this rule. Get tall family members to squat near, shorter ones. Get younger relatives to tip-toe. Carry toddlers. Group photos should be fun, so don’t be afraid to break the rules.


Distant relatives

You don’t need to arrange your family in 2 to 3 rows. Instead, mix up the distance of each family member. This creates an interesting composition that provides differentiation among each subject. 


Play down the background

The focus of your photos should be on the people. Composing a clean group photo may be a bit of a challenge when it comes to busy house parties, a good solution is to take photos outside the home. If that is not possible, try and set your camera to blur the background.


A game of numbers

No family member wants to be left out when it comes to the inevitable all-in-one group shot. Once that is done with, get your family members to pose together in smaller groups. Groups of 3-5 are ideal for plenty of creative, more intimate shots. 



There was a time when one person from the family had to sit out from the photo to take the photo. Those days are gone. Accessories to simplify your group photo taking efforts are aplenty on Shopee and Lazada. You’ll need a tripod and a bluetooth remote camera shutter. You could also throw in a softbox lighting kit if you’re feeling a little extra.


Festivities are something everyone cherishes and what better way to honour the moment than to capture it in images. If you’re looking for a better camera phone to capture these timeless moments, check out the iPhone 11 series, now going at RM50 off plus FREE extended warranty! Also, remember to stay safe this Raya and happy snapping.