5 ways your phone can help you sleep better

5 ways your phone can help you sleep better

Go through any “sleep better” article and you will find that most of them would encourage you to set your phone aside prior to bed. While it is true that your phone can hinder you from good regular sleep, phone manufacturers and app developers seem to have caught on. Here are some ways your phone can be an ally instead of an enemy in helping you get good consistent sleep.

Monitor your sleep


Phones have become integral in helping you monitor your sleep; pair it with a smartwatch for optimal results. With a smartwatch you can get insights on the restfulness of your sleep and areas of improvement. Don’t have a smartwatch? You can still obtain useful insights via apps like BetterSleep or Sleep Cycle.

Blue light filters

Experts often discourage phone use prior to bed due to the blue light your phone emits. While it is true that blue lights stimulate wakefulness, you can activate a blue-light filter that is available by default in most modern phones. If your phone doesn’t come with one, you can try apps like Twilight.  

Sleep inducing audio

Prior to the days of smartphones, white noise machines would often sell for hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. Nowadays you can just search for white noise tracks on YouTube and keep your phone humming you to sleep at hardly any cost to you. When doing so, avoid using earphones.

Bedtime stories

Not a fan of whale sounds or rainy nights? You can also opt for podcasts or audiobooks. Some audiobook apps also include a timer to halt playing after a fair amount of time. You can also find storytelling YouTube channels that read classic stories to you in sleep inducing ways.

Built-in features

You can now automate your turndown activities through modes and routines (named differently across various phone brands). Set your phone to filter blue light after 8pm, lock specific apps and activate “do not disturb”; these are just some examples of how you can automate your phone to prompt you to prepare for bed.


By implementing some of these tips, you can turn your phone from a sleep saboteur into a bedtime bestie. Does your phone lack these sleep inducing features? Or perhaps you would like to get yourself a smartwatch to better track your sleep? You can always look for awesome deals on smartphones and wearables at Shop.CompAsia! See what’s available now!