5 things you should know about the blue light from your devices

Chances are, you're currently reading this article (we’re sure you're not alone!) on a device that emits blue light.

The significant amount of time we spend glued to our devices has sparked concerns about the potential risks associated with the blue light they emit. As screen time continues to reach unprecedented heights, it's only natural to wonder about the potential impacts of this blue light on our eyes and overall health. 

Frequently, we find ourselves thinking, “How much screen time is considered excessive?” and “What are the effects of blue light on our eyes and health?”. In this article, let’s delve into the realm of blue light, exploring its potential effects and determining whether or not it poses a significant threat to us.


What is blue light?


As the name suggests, blue light is visible light that appears blue in colour. Yet, it may still be present even when light is perceived as white or any other colour. 

The reason blue light raises concerns is due to its higher energy per photon compared to other colours in the visible spectrum, such as green or red light. In sufficiently high doses, it is likely to cause damage when absorbed by various cells in our body. Extended exposure over the lifespan can also lead to issues such as eye strain, alertness and potential vision challenges.


What produces blue light?

With the widespread and still growing dependency on electrical devices powered by light-emitting diode (LED) technology, we are more exposed to blue light than we might have realised.

Just like any other colours of visible lights, blue light is all around us. Consider natural sunlight, fluorescent lighting, and incandescent light bulbs. More importantly, smartphones, tablets, laptops, and televisions all use LED technology that produce high amounts of blue light.


What can blue light do to our eyes and well-being?

There is a growing concern that artificial sources of light may be causing damage to our eyes, especially given our increased exposure to blue light up close. 

FYI, our eyes are designed with structures that protect it against some kinds of light, however, these structures don’t keep out blue light. Considering that we’re exposed to a significant amount of blue light from the sun and electronic devices, this becomes a noteworthy concern.

Additionally, there have been suggestions that specific types of blue light exposure may have an impact on our weight gain, along with other psychological changes.


Does blue light affect our sleep?

The short and simple answer is YES!

For many of us, habits like checking our phones, binge-watching Netflix on tablets, and scrolling through Instagram before bedtime are common. Yet, little do we know that blue light disrupts our circadian clock a.k.a biological clock. This disruption can eventually lead to poor sleep patterns as blue light tricks our mind into thinking it’s daytime, making it challenging to fall asleep and lowering our sleep quality.

So, consider this as a solid reminder to step away from Netflix and endless double-tapping on your Instagram reels. Instead, consider picking up that good ol’ romance novel for a new nighttime reading routine.


How to limit blue light exposure?

1. Use Night Mode setting to turn down the blue light

Well, if you often find yourself staring at the screen before bedtime, it’s strongly advised to turn down blue light exposure at night. Activate Night Shift mode on your iPhone, or when working late on your laptop, you should consider using f.lux app which can adjust the colour settings.

2. Use eyeglasses with the right prescription

Prolonged periods of staring and squinting at screens isn’t recommended for your overall eye health. If you wear eyeglasses to correct your vision, make sure your prescription is suitable for the distance between your eyes and the screen - ideally, around an arm’s length away.

3. Practise the 20/20/20 strategy

We get it, you’re always chasing the deadlines! But, if you’re busy working on your Mac that emits blue light, it’s ideal to take a break every 20 minutes, focus on an object around 20 feet away for 20 seconds before you continue working on your screen.

4. Keep eye drops with you at all times

The longer you stare at your screen, the less you tend to blink. And the lesser you blink, your eyes become too dry and irritated. To prevent this, using artificial tears like Eye Mo can help your eyes moist, especially during those days when you’re constantly glued to the screen.



While there are many alternatives to reduce blue light exposure, one effective way is to use devices that offer blue light reduction settings. Just imagine the convenience of being able to readily adjust your devices to reduce its emissions. Pretty easy, right?

Thanks to various platforms, such as Shop.CompAsia, finding the right device that suits your needs and usage will no longer cost you an arm and leg. At our e-store, you’ll find lots of good-as-new second-hand tech at the prices you’ll like. And that’s how you take care of your well-being and your wallet!

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